I'm still writing to you from Bainbridge Island, but I think my next post will be from Niamey. I wanted to give you my contact information in the chance that you decide to shower me with affection from afar!
Here are some ways to get in touch:
1. I would be quite happy if you sent me MAIL and it is surprisingly easy to do. Please send mail to me at my parent's home address:
Maggie Fick
7335 Madrona Drive NE
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
My parents will then send it to me via a special system and then I will be able to pick it up at the U.S. Embassy in Niamey- yay! Please only send LETTERS or POSTCARDS, not magazines, newspapers, anything like that. Sorry to be strict, that's just what I was told.
2. And as you know, my email is maggie.fick@gmail.com
3. I am a new convert to Skype, and my Skype name is maggie.fick. I have a camera and microphone, so if you want we can video chat, which is pretty much the coolest thing ever. So far I have talked to friends in South Korea, Germany, and my bro in Minnesota and Grandma in San Diego.
Finally, please email your contact info to me (at maggie.fick@gmail.com)! I would love to send letters/ emails to you, so don't hesitate to pass that info along.
Right now I am very excited to get to Niger! I am also very pleased about the fact that I can see the friendly faces I love on Skype when I need a little glimpse of home. This week I have been emailing with my contacts in Niger and with folks at the Embassy, so I at least have the first 2 days of life in Niamey figured out. The woman who runs the NGO that I will be working for is super cool and I think she will be a great friend/colleague throughout my stay.
Alright, that's all for now, keep in touch and I'll write again from Niamey!
p.s. For those you who don't know Scout Fick, he is featured above.
This is so exciting, Maggie, having you on SKYPE plus e-mail plus this BLOG! It sounds like you have covered everything you can, before heading off this week to your Great Adventure. (You've taken on many of those, in your Life already!)
Stick me on any "general" List, to contact, ANYTIME, as I can't get enough information when it comes to how you are doing, and individual letters/email could take up too much of your FUN minutes....I'm hoping you'll have a LOT of those, too.
Love you, Maggie,
your Grandma Jeannine
Maggie, thanks for the blog comment. We are now official blog corresponding nerds. The wave of the future, Dude. I am extremely jealous of your 36 degree weather, its like 10 here. Brr. And send some sunshine our way when you get the chance. And yes, the ice cream bars are delicious, our favorite permutation is Mint Magnum. Yum! Take care Maggie, j'espere que je te visiterai n'apres pas plus de temps. (You can see how poor my french has become, guess it's time for a trip to France, or Niger!)
Hello my dear,
I miss you so much already! I spent the morning at Drew's daycare where I was poked, hit, jumped on, and pulled by a gang of 2-year old boys. I was so happy to leave and meet my dad for lunch!
I can't wait to hear your first impressions of being au Niger.
Love you more than all of the cow plops in VT,
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